Recently two journalists with Russia Today – America were investigating police corruption in Fresno, as well as, Sacramento.
Contributors with the Fresno Peoples Media were able to organize a meeting between them and Rogelio Centeno, brother of Freddy Centeno. Centeno a mentally ill man who was murdered by the Fresno Police for carrying a garden hose nozzle. The body camera footage shows that both officers opened fire seconds after exiting their cruiser, both officers were cleared of wrong doing despite video evidence of gross excessive force.
The Fresno Police Department declined to be interviewed for the piece but Chief Jerry Dyer has never condemned an officer who was involved in an on duty shooting and Deputy Chief Keith Foster is currently defending himself against multiple drug trafficking charges in Federal court.
Officers with the Fresno Police Department have been caught on camera sleeping on the job, harassing jaywalkers and using tasers on mentally ill pedestrians. They have been forced to dish out millions in tax payer dollars for excessive force lawsuits and are currently slotted for a jury trial to defend their officers actions who murdered Martin Figueroa. This does not include the dozens of officer involved shootings in the recent years.