California – With a serious drought, and serious heat comes a serious risk for a disastrous fire.
Over 1,000 wildfires have been reported in California so far in 2015. Luckily, none have grown to do the significant damage we witnessed in late 2013 with the Rim Fire, that burned 257,000 acres. Earlier this year in February The Round Fire just outside Bishop, CA burned 40 homes and over 7,000 acres.
Summer is officially 2 weeks away. Meaning hot dry days with very little water. Tulare County is reporting over 1,000 wells dry as the water table just keeps plunging.
Here is an excerpt from Water.Ca.Gov:
Groundwater resources play a vital role in maintaining California’s economic and environmental sustainability. During an average year, California’s 515 alluvial groundwater basins and subbasins contribute approximately 38 percent toward the State’s total water supply. During dry years, groundwater contributes up to 46 percent (or more) of the statewide annual supply, and serves as a critical buffer against the impacts of drought and climate change. Many municipal, agricultural, and disadvantaged communities rely on groundwater for up to 100 percent of their water supply needs. Groundwater extraction in excess of natural and managed recharge has caused historically-low groundwater elevations in many regions of California.

The Rim Fire in the Stanislaus National Forest in California began on Aug. 17, 2013 and burned over 257,000 acres.
This fire season is already shaping up to be a record breaker, and predicted by analysts to be intense.
While you’re out camping this summer please be mindful of your campfires. Be sure that they are completely out, or are attended to. Carry an affordable fire extinguisher.
Also, Independence Day is coming very soon. Please be safe with your celebrations of beautiful flame. California cannot afford more water lost due to an outrageous fire due to negligent behavior.