Police say a man who had been stabbed was found inside a burning Central Fresno home. He was pronounced dead at the hospital and the neighborhood is in shock. The smoke was spotted by neighbors on Van Ness, just north of Belmont around 3:00 in the afternoon on Wednesday and firefighters just happened to be a few doors down on an unrelated call. Battalion Chief Todd Tuggle said, “While the 911 call was going in, neighbors were flagging down our engine company.” The home was heavily secured with a gate so firefighters had to force their way in. After a quick search, they found a man in the kitchen, unconscious and bleeding from several stab wounds. He was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead. Lt. Joe Gomez with the Fresno Police Department said, “Unknown if the stab wounds caused the death or the smoke inhalation, it’s too early to tell.” Investigators call the death suspicious and they believe the house was intentionally set on fire. Tamara Olivarria who lives across the street said, “He just got those lights fixed and the gate is locked so I’m not sure how anyone would have got in even, but it’s kind of scary.” Police haven’t confirmed it but neighbors say the victim is a man in his mid-40’s– a man who lived alone and worked on boats at the home. Theresa Fuentes says he was a friend and she’s not sure why anyone would want to hurt him. “If it’s a random thing, that makes it much scarier…cause the neighborhood is getting better, we thought,” Fuentes said. Olivarria added, “It’s sad, you know, I hope he didn’t experience a lot of pain.” At this point, there are no suspects and police need help solving the case.
But this is only a small part of the story. John seemingly predicted his own murder and says Fresno law enforcement is responsible.
Days before his death, he was adamant that Fresno law enforcement would conclude their 7-year-long campaign against him by ending his life.
On Jan. 13, 2016, he shared a brief conversation between him and another person reiterating the reason why Fresno cops were stalking him.
Mac McCauley · Granite Bay, California What occured in your life to bring you to the attention of the cops, both city and county, that you believe you are being stalked?
Mac McCauley I simply voice my opinion regarding local government and politics on local blogs. I also discovered local law enforcement had been running a license plate scanning scam where Fresno Cops would scan license plates at Retail Store parking lots (Save Mart, Von’s, HomeDepot, etc.) in lower income neighborhoods. After collecting hits of violations they then would pull the unsuspecting drivers over a few blocks away from the store location in a marked police vehicle claiming they simply came across their vehicle through routine driving patrols. This unethical and possibly illegal activity was simply motivated by “profit” and unfairly targeted Fresno’s poorer residents. I also discovered the Fresno Bee was sharing chat log data with Fresno Law Enforcement of Fresno citizens who were critical of local Fresno Government and Fresno Law Enforcement. Fresno Law Enforcement subsequently used the ip addresses in the chat logs provided by the Bee to track down, stalk, and harass those chat bloggers who were critical of local politics and local law enforcement. Since publicly exposing these local law enforcement activities it’s been a constant onslaught of stalking, harassment, and intimidation directed toward myself from Fresno Law Enforcement. They even tried to set me up and plant false evidence in my home. I filed a request for an Internal Affairs Investigation and that seemed to enrage them even more. They are simply trying to destroy me by any means possible. I am in constant fear for my life. As Kevin Arial, a Face Book pseudonym and alias of a known local cop so eloquently posted to my Face Book page recently: “First rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club, You should know this Mr. Lang! ; D”. End quote..
The next day, Jan. 14, John’s Facebook posts became increasingly alarmist (or so we thought).
On the 15th, he reached out to reporter Corin Hoggard and claimed that Fresno cops would try to kill him in the next few days.

Corin, you want some news? Corrupt Fresno Cops are going to try and kill me this weekend, possibly tonight. This is no…
Posted by John Lang on Friday, January 15, 2016

If I turn up missing or dead tomorrow remember this Van. I think I seen a couple of guys sneak out the side door and… Posted by John Lang on Saturday, January 16, 2016
He also asked people to stay at his house with him, with guns, to protect him from “the bad guys” in the van.
Jan. 17, he wrote this open letter to the DOJ and FBI.
Open Letter the the USDOJ and the FBI I am fairly certain that Fresno Law Enforcement is trying to set me up on some type a charge related to child pornography. I’ve been trying to figure out why they would send Child Molester George Adams Ramirez my way when I was renting the property next to me for Don Green. Also I was at a loss as to how Fresno LE was able to turn so many people against me so quickly. The only thing that makes sense coupled with George Ramirez situation is if Fresno LE told these folks I was a child porn suspect. Imagine a police officer dressed in his official uniform pulling up in a police cruiser. Imagine the same police officer or detective telling a group of coworkers of the accused or other folks that said person is a bad guy who is under investigation for the crimes of child pornography, and cops would like their help in putting a really bad guy away. This would be a no brainier for most reasonable people. There is no more heinous, hideous, and inhuman crime than that of a child porn person. This crime evokes more human emotion than any other. And it is to that effect that Fresno Law Enforcement uses to suit their purpose in my situation. It’s Fresno Law Enforcement’s “weapon of mass destruction”. This would also explain why the FBI shows little interest in my pleas for help. There has long been a believe in Law Enforcement circles that if someone is guilty of something, then helping that process along by fabricating evidence is completely acceptable. This rational can provide a loophole for truth and justice to be ignored when an innocent person is charged or suspected of crimes, as it is with my situation. Let this example serve as a warning to all my activist and blogger friends. We are by no means free. If and when the Government targets us, we are completely and utterly done, and there is really nothing we can do about it. Through my example the Government is trying to drive home the point that they want obidient, submisive, and loyal subjects. And they will settle for nothing less.. I’m also fairly certain I’ve figured out how Fresno Law Enforcement handled the actual access and internet distribution of the offensive material. Let’s just say that the FEDS should re-investigate all Child porn cases in Fresno where ATT Internet Services provided the Internet service. Especially cases where the accused had a conflict with the City Of Fresno or high ranking City of Fresno personnel. Other elements are simply handled by planting various elements of false evidence here and there once they enter a residence. That is why Fresno LE was so determined to get a search warrant for an official home entry in my case. As I’ve mentioned in the past Fresno LE had already illegally and secretly entered by home, copied my hard drives in order to get a good game plan for the eventual false arrest. There also appears to be a pattern here. Anyone who has ever talked publicly about, accused, or discussed Jerry Dyer’s suposed sex scandle with that 16 year old girl has found themselfs in some type of legal peril within a few short years.. And with this letter I have for certain signed my death warrant with Fresno LE. Kind Regards, John Lang Fresno Ca 93728
Jan. 20th, he was dead.
John first reached out to us in May of 2015. Like many, we thought he was paranoid. Shortly after the initial contact, he registered several domain names for a website that served as an online diary of his experiences. He also had a YouTube channel with 17 videos, all from his home surveillance system. The videos, he says, show police intimidation and suspicious characters who are part of a conspiracy to destroy him.
The content below is unedited and uncut from John’s diary.
John says his story starts in 2009.
I was having trouble in my marriage. Then I was ticketed two blocks away from the Home Depot on West Shaw in Fresno, where I had just visited. I later learned that Fresno Law Enforcement had a “pattern of practice” of unethically scanning license plates on private retail parking lots. They then pull the unsuspecting drivers over a block or two away from said parking lots. This was meant to optimize ticket revenue at a very minimal expense. Millions of dollars of revenue has been generated in this questionable manner by Fresno area Law Enforcement agencies. A “pattern of practice” that is still in use today by Fresno area Law Enforcement agencies. The added financial stress related to this incident crippled what was left of my marriage. I was devastated, angry, and upset. I thought the parking lot license plate scanning was abusive and simply designed as a revenue generating scheme for the City of Fresno. So, as an expression of peaceful protest I voiced my opinion on the Fresno Bee, which I now realize was a mistake. I thought I was anonymous, but an employee at the Fresno Bee, “Jody Murray” was “feeding” a known Sheriff Sergeant who used the alias hikerdude67 or hikerdude1967 website log data containing identifiable ip address information that Fresno LE used to track down Fresno Citizens who were posting comments critical of Fresno LE and the City of Fresno. Preliminary identification identifies hikerdude1967 as Jared L McCormick, a Fresno County Sheriff Sergeant. Within weeks I was vehicle “tailed” by undercover Sheriff officers who were routinely waiting on the street near my home. One individual I recognized by his very unique hair and facial features was the same Sheriff personnel who a few years later followed me into a Save Mart grocery store located at Clinton and Blackstone. The details of this later incident are listed in the 12/01/14 “Time Line / Notes section”, which can be found below. Fresno PD was also occasionally following me as well, although their harassment participation was exponentially growing. In 2013 and 2014 I was being followed very frequently by Fresno PD and Fresno Sheriff personnel. The frequency was so high that both agencies had obviously gps’d my car or my phone, they seemed to be “popping up everywhere”. I also believe that Fresno LE (both PD and Sheriff) was also “tapping” my phone and my ex-wife’s phone, either illegally, or by obtaining a warrant under false premise and or claims. I later learned from other commenters on the Bee, that other posters who were known to be critical Fresno LE and the City of Fresno were also targeted by Fresno LE. I learned Fresno LE including Fresno PD and Fresno Sheriff personnel had a pattern of “harassment and intimidation” against citizens who criticized Fresno Law Enforcement, Fresno Government, or Fresno Public employees. There were many posters discussing this problem of Fresno LE retaliation for speaking out about Fresno Police abuses.
He says police harassment peaked in 2013 during the Measure G campaign.
The surveillance and harassment peaked about a year and a half ago or so when Measure G was on the ballot. I was a fairly well known commenter on the Fresno Bee and had over 2500 comments and over 3000 likes (up votes). I was a fierce opponent against Mayor Ashley Swearengin’s Measure G campaign. I was also critical of Fresno Law Enforcement and other City of Fresno departments. I now realize this was not a good idea. I had debated Fire Chief Brown regarding fire budgets a few days before his well publicized incident. I was an overt poster, and unwittingly and naively, I was also becoming a target. Based on my experience of being followed by Fresno LE personnel (PD and Sheriff) I had publicly stated on the Bee that “Fresno PD and the Fresno Sheriff’s department had a “File” and “Data” on anyone who was even remotely critical of Fresno LE. And, for what purpose the “File” had, I had no idea, but I knew it wasn’t anything good. But, after my experience with Fresno PD and the Fresno Sheriff’s personnel I clearly understood what the “File” meant. I had a target on my back and Fresno PD and the Sheriff’s Department we going to stop at nothing to get me, even if it meant breaking the law and violating my civil rights. Months later the Fresno Bee switched their comment system to a FaceBook only set up and 90 percent of the commenters left. After this transition I terminated my posting on the Bee and sent an email to the Bee Editor Jim Borden on 9/13/13 and 9/17/13 explaining that a Bee employee named “Jody Murray” was sharing the ip log data of Bee commenters with Fresno Sheriff personnel and Sheriff personnel were subsequently harassing these folks who were posting comments on the Bee website. I also sent an email to a Sacramento Bee reporter phecht@sacbee.com on 3/24/14 regarding the same allegation, neither of the two replied back to me. After I sent those emails, simple vehicle “tailing” harassment escalated into something more serious. I believe that during the last year and a half or so, and post 9/13/13 and 9/17/13 a small group of Fresno Sheriff personnel and Fresno Police officers, as retaliation and punishment, has initiated a multitude of investigations on me, through a multitude of agencies, in an effort to discredit and destroy me. They also instituted an aggressive campaign of harassment and intimidation that consisted of, by not limited to: covert and overt vehicle “tailing” on numerous occasions, illegally wire tapping of my phone line and my ex-wife’s phone line, and my 10 year old daughters phone line. With the information gained through these illegal wire taps they have contacted my professional business customers insinuating that I am a bad guy who is currently under various investigations and that it might be best if they didn’t do business with me.
He mentions illegal emissions stickers, a reoccurring topic in his story.
Approximately in April or May of 2014 I received a call from a person to look at a Jet Ski that I placed for sale on Craig’s List. Three people showed up for this appointment. One had all the mannerisms and personality of a LE person. He was tall with an average build and short cropped blond hair and based on his mannerism I believe this person was Fresno Sheriff personnel. The other one, surprisingly, was Jody Murray. However at the time I did not realize he was Jody Murray. The third person was a younger male, slightly heavy set, riding a newer modern motorcycle. Following this appointment, which was also after my email to Jim Borden and the Sacramento bee reporter, the harassment significantly spiked. More recently, during the last three months I have been followed much more frequently. Since Fresno PD and Fresno Sheriff personnel seems to always appear as I was out at some location doing my daily routine, I assumed they had GPS’ed my phone or car. This, I believe was how they are tracking and following me. On 12/01/14 I was followed to the Save Mart at Blackstone and Clinton (see date notes for Dec 1, 2014). I was also followed into the store. The person following me was continuously talking on the phone with someone. I believe this person in the store was giving a second party my activities and precise time estimates of my shopping progress. I believe this second party was then using these time estimates to illegally enter my residence and property. And, I believe it’s happened more than once. I had been noticing odd events on certain occasions when I would return home from shopping or picking up my daughter from school. I have more detail on these events in the time line section of this letter. Based on what I’ve described above I believe these individuals have planted something in my residence and are planning to arrest me on some false charge or perhaps worse. I operate a small marine repair shop and recently I have received numerous calls regarding fake emission stickers which allow boaters bypass gross polluter laws on Personal Water Craft vessels. I had never heard of these fake stickers before and I’ve never before had phone calls from new customers discussing illegal activities with me. I had nearly five of these calls in a 3 day period. One of these calls was a referral from a newer customer of mine, Tim Tompsett, who works for the City of Fresno’s Wastewater division. See the notes dated: 3/09/2015 7:18 PM. As mentioned earlier I also believe Fresno LE has also contacted my customers from my part time businesses (property management and webhosting), this information, they would only have access to by accessing my home computer or illegally wiretapping my phone. One such incident was in March of 2015. I had just had a conservation on the phone with Bryan Andre of Aquatic Pets (http://www.aquaticpets.net) in Clovis California, 559-298-4549. For over 10 years he has been a web customer of mine and always has good follow up with invoices and questions. He had asked me to rebuild his website and called to check on the progress of the website. I told him it would be done in a couple of days. He said “great” and asked me to follow up with him in a couple of days. Following up a couple of days later I called him back but suddenly he stopped returning my calls and emails. In one email to which I sent over 15 he said he really liked the new site design and told me to send him an invoice. I have sent multiple invoices and emails to which he never responds. This is extremely uncharacteristic of Bryan, and as stated, I have known him for over 10 years. I believe Fresno Sheriff’s personnel listening in on my phone conversations made contact with Bryan and told him I was a “bad” guy who was under various investigations. Bryan eventually did email me and claimed he canceled his services with me because he thought I charged too much. After 10 years and an agreement on this particular price for a new website he thought I charged too much? Fresno Law Enforcement were using their illegal wiretaps or “StingRay Devices” to determine who my customers were so they could meddle and create conflict with my customers. This is part of the Fresno LE conspiracy with the Fresno Sheriff Department in the lead to financially and legally ruin me for my past comments on the Fresno Bee, and emailing Jim Borden the Fresno Bee Editor details of the scheme between Jody Murray and Fresno Sheriff personnel.
Time Lines / Notes
Prior to Dec 1st 2014 I hadn’t kept a log of harassment activities, but I did post pre 2014 incidents on the Fresno Bee’s old comment system using the handle “John21”. The Bee has since migrated to a facebook only system so I’m not sure where this old comment data would be. But Jody Murray, the Bee Content and Web manager who was providing commenters ip address’s to Fresno Sheriff Personnel would likely have access to this old data. Again, a known Fresno Sheriff who used the handle hikerdude67 or hikerdude1967 on the Fresno Bee was accused publicly in the Bee comment section by other commenters of posting, and having “knowledge” of other commenters personal information. A few days after this public accusation the commenter hickerdude1967 no longer appeared in any of the Bee’s comment sections. The “word” on the Bee was that Fresno County Sheriff administrators had gotten “word” of the activities of hikerdude1967 and requested he terminate his activities on the Fresno Bee.
12/01/14 – I was followed to the Save Mart Shopping center at Blackstone and Clinton by what I believe to be Fresno Sheriff personnel. As I was at the meat counter, a fast walking person talking on a cell phone came into the store and abruptly stopped at the main opening of the grocery store. He did a complete 360 as if he was searching for someone. I noticed him right away because of his behavior. He didn’t appear to be a typical shopper. As we made eye contact, he appeared startled that I had noticed him. I was at the meat counter which is near the entrance of the store. As I left the store with my groceries I couldn’t find him anywhere. But, as I made my way to the parking lot and started to unlock my trunk, he came out of the store, still talking on the phone. He walked past me without making eye contact and entered a late model green Chevy or GMC Step-Side truck with custom chrome rims. As I entered my car and pulled out, I drove slowly past the rear of his vehicle in an attempt to read his license plate. However I couldn’t remember the license plate number, because, as I left the store I was interrupted by a phone call. About two blocks away from the store I received a call from a person who sarcastically said my full name, then proceeded to ask me questions about a boat repair. The Number was: 559-392-5087. I’ve never had a customer address me by my first and last name before, especially someone I hadn’t talked to before. I’m confident this number and caller is connected to this SaveMart incident. I believe this person and others is related to something more complicated and devious than simple harassment. This type of “close proximity” tracking can only mean one thing. I believe this person and others are tacking and monitoring my minute by minute incremental movements so they can direct another party to illegally enter my residence for the purpose of gaining “intel” or planting evidence. I had suspected that someone was entering my home in the past. For example, on August 1st or 2nd, 2014, I returned from Home Depot to find my inner back door locked. In 10 years I have never locked this inner door, because there is no key to open it, I simply use it as a pull handle. I simply lock the outer metal security door. I was so alarmed by this event that I grabbed a pipe and kicked in the inner door thinking a burglar was inside my residence. The only person who would lock this inner door would be someone who is unfamiliar with this residence. My Daughter witnessed this event as did my periodic helper and friend Juan Ramirez (559-213-7860).
12/13/2014 – Silver Quad Cab Ford 4×4 truck continually driving past my house as I did lawn and yard work in my front yard. After making “eye contact” with the driver of vehicle, and as he passed by, I immediately received a hang-up call from 559-389-0357.
1/18/2015 11:37 pm – Sheriff personnel / canine handler standing in the left front of my residence with an obvious police canine. First he stopped on the left corner of my residence, then once I turned on the security light he moved past the camera, then towards the opposite corner (right) of my property. I believe this person who was obviously Sheriff personnel with a police canine were using this canine for some sort of dominance or socialization training on my dogs and the neighboring animals. This would enable them to gain access to my residence without my animals and the animals of my neighbors barking and or raising alarms.
2/27/15 4:30 pm – 4:45 pm -I was followed to Copper Hills Elementary School while picking up my daughter from a softball game by a green mid 90’s Toyota Camry type 4 door vehicle. The driver was a male wearing a baseball hat. Very strange because the car was similar to my Saturn and the driver was wearing a baseball hat similar to what I typically wear. The driver appeared to be arrogantly mocking my appearance. The driver made eye contact with me and smiled, which appeared to be an overt and sarcastic way to let me know he was following me. He circled the inner parking lot at copper hills, then parked in front of the school for about 5 minutes, then left. I believe this was another event where there was a second party communicating with this “driver” who was entering my residence. When I got home I reviewed by Pelco CCTV system. One of my camera’s the “Front PTZ”, had a 20 minute “blank” spot for the time interval 2-27-2015 17:11:50 to 2-27-2015 17:31:05. See Youtube video footnote 3A. This is unusual because this time interval is a high traffic interval, and my system is configured for “motion detection”, so blank spots are nearly impossible during this time frame. Apparently these same officers may also have some type of access to my Pelco system.
I believe the purpose for this illegal entry into my residence is to plant evidence for some future arrests, possibly “emission” stickers that I have been receiving so many calls about, including the fore-mentioned referal from Tim Tompsett, or perhaps even worse. The guy who was driving this car looks just like the guy who a few days later came into my shop on 3/02/2015 and brought in a small outboard engine for repair. His name on the repair invoice is Eli Rodriguez, phone number is 559-458-6774. He also had a German Sheppard type police dog in his vehicle when he dropped off the engine at my shop. However, at this time he was not driving a “Camry type 4 door vehicle” he was a Blue GMC Jimmy.
I have also discovered more information through my own investigation regarding the 2/27/2015 incident. As I noted previously, I know Eli Rodriguez is a undercover cop or associate who is going to try to set me up when he eventually picks up his small outboard engine from my repair shop. Through an internet search Eli Rodriguez has a current or previous address of 822 E. Thomas Ave, apt 101. Fresno, Ca 93728. This is the same address my neighbor George and Maxine Ramirez gave as a previous address on a rental application they submitted to me in May of 2014. I don’t think these address similarities are a coincidence.
He elaborates about Eli Rodriguez in the description of the video:
Eli Rodriguez is the Fresno Sheriff personnel who was going to set me up on the Jet Ski emission scam. He dropped of a 2 stroke Evinrude motor on at my shop on 3-02-2015. His plan was to drop off the motor, then at a later time enter my property with the assistance of George and Maxine Ramirez my neighbors who were placed there by Fresno Law Enforcement personnel, plant evidence, then pick up the engine at a later time and lie and say I was trying to sell him fake emission stickers, then he would falsely arrest me. I knew something was amiss on these “emission stickers” because I was receiving a ridiculous amount of calls on them. And curiously Tim Tompsett of the Fresno Waste Water division who has numerous close relationships with Fresno Law Enforcement personnel had sent me a boat repair referral who, without warning, sent me an illegal “emission sticker” directly to my cell phone during a discussion about a boat repair.
Eli Rodriguez is one of the main players in this Fresno Law Enforcement conspiracy to enter my property to set me up and plant false evidence while I was away from my home. He either directly participated in entering my property via Law Enforcement grade “Jiggler keys or lock pics”, or he knows the other Fresno LE personnel who entered my home. This explains the extreme surveillance I was under, including but not limited to moving George and Maxine Ramirez into the property right next to me. This would give them very accurate “windows of opportunity” and “time frames” so they could comfortably access my property without being detected. However, they made some mistakes.
Eli Rodriguez may be an alias but the guy in this video with the pictured vehicle and canine in the back of the vehicle is the person who dropped off the engine and provided information on the repair tag as Eli Rodriguez with the phone number 559-458-6774. The phone number is accurate because he contacted me numerous times via that number after dropping off his motor. This one guy “Eli Rodriguez” knows all the details of every crime Fresno PD and the Fresno Sheriff’s office have committed regarding my harassment and conspiracy case. When this guys cracks, and I’m sure he will because this guy is a risk taker, and as a result he is already on the radar of Federal Law Enforcement. He is one of “major players” of a rogue underground crew of local corrupt and criminal Fresno Law Enforcement Officers similar to the recent “busted” Oakland Crew of bad Cops called the “Rough Riders”. This entire case will then blow wide open when the Feds get him in for a proper interrogation. He is the keystone piece who can bring 20 to 30 other corrupt Fresno Cops down with him..
4/11/2015 – At approximately 8:30 Pm on 4/11/2015 George and Maxine Ramirez, my neighbors at 656 N. Van Ness Ave, invite me over to their house. After an hour and a half or so I start to get uncomfortable. I stand up from sitting on the couch and explain I need to leave because I believe I’ve lost my wallet. As I walk toward the door Maxine Ramirez immediately blocks my path to the door and puts her hands up and says “no you can’t leave, just sit down”. I replied “Maxine, please don’t block me.” As I move past her out the front door Maxine yells “George”! At this point my “flight or fight” response starts to kick in. As I made my way out the front door toward the front yard gate, George, who heard Maxine’s call rushed toward the front yard gate. You can clearly see me in the video trying to find a way over the fence and back into my yard, as George, a larger man who was a Vietnam Vet blocks access to the front gate. He pretends to be unlocking the gate but he’s really blocking my access. I finally hop the fence to the left of the gate and George then quickly comes through the gate and follows me. Again, in the supplied video (Video Footnotes 5A) you can clearly see me hopping the fence in order to escape George and Maxine’s property. As I move to unlock my driveway gate George and Maxine hover over me. I have to keep telling them to get back and give me some room. They would not step back and they kept telling me to get back in their house. To get away from them I move to my small front yard gate where George continues to follow me. George kept yelling my name very loudly numerous times, which at the time really seemed to served no purpose, it was quite bizarre. Later I realized he must have been trying to signal someone who was in my house, likely his associate Eli Rodriguez. My unexpected departure from their house may have messed up their time schedule of illegal entry into my house. George continued to come closer and I finally yelled at him and told him the get the “hell” back. I finally made it onto my property. The only motive for George and Maxine Ramirez to “maintain” and “hold” me against my will would be because they were coordinating with a second party who was currently in my house planting evidence for a future search warrant they were planning to execute once they set me up for the previously defined 2-stroke “emission sticker” setup.
Near the end of 2013 I was and still am the the property manager for 656 N. Van Ness, Fresno California, 93728. At that time the property was still vacant. A neighbor had called me to tell me someone was trespassing at the 656 Van Ness address and that she was calling the Police to report it. I live next door at 648 N. Van Ness so I looked out my window and sure enough there was some drugged out looking guy who was on the property checking out the windows and doors. At this point I also called Fresno PD to report the crime in progress. I explained to the police operator or dispatcher that I was the property manager, gave them my name and address and told the operator / dispatcher I wanted the trespasser arrested. From these recorded 911 call records Fresno PD and the Fresno Sheriff’s office gleaned an idea and hatched a plan to send George and Maxine Ramirez dubiously my way as prospective tenants for the purposes of monitoring my detailed movements and reporting this information back to Fresno PD and Fresno Sheriff personnel. This “intel” gained from the Ramirez’s would enable Fresno Cops to know exactly when I left my property so they could then gain access to my property for the purposes of illegal entry in order to plant evidence for a future false arrest. I have laid all this out including phone numbers, names, dates, and videos which Fresno PD then buried and falied to further investigate all the evidence I provided in my May of 2015 Fresno PD Interal affairs complaint. The Ramirez’s initially passed my income and rental history checks. Unaware of any criminal record of the Ramirez’s I approved their application and they moved in on 5/31/14. However in mid April of 2015 I discovered the Ramirez’s were police informants who were tasked with watching when I enter and exit my property. Someone had been illegally entering my home, property, and vehicles and I suspected the Ramirez’s along with Fresno Law Enforcement had something to do with it. On the night of 4/11/2015 I confirmed this fact for myself. I have a video documenting this incident on Youtube.
Back to the emission stickers.
3/05/15 – A person named Fred calls regarding a repair on a couple of Polaris Jet Ski’s. One ski, the DI (Direct Injection), he states is not legal at Millerton Lake (a state lake here in California that requires and emission sticker for some Jet ski’s that are 2-strokes) but, he states he has fake California emission stickers he found from the Internet that make the ski appear to be smog legal. It’s very strange for someone to volunteer such information about something illegal to a complete stranger. He made an appointment for 3/07/15 to bring in his skis for a repair. After thinking about my discussion with this guy the previous day I decide to call him back to tell him I can’t work on his ski’s because it may be illegal for me to work on Jet Ski’s that have bogus stickers on them. He then said he would remove the stickers. I really didn’t want to work on this persons Jet Ski’s because something was very odd with this situation. I called him early on 3/07/15 to inform him I couldn’t work on his ski’s that day. He called from number 559-289-4263, Voice mail states Crystal Creamery.
3/09/2015 12:54 PM – 559-261-9176. Another suspicious call on a set of 2001 2-stroke Jet Skis. This is an unusual amount of calls on these ski’s. Told him we are no longer working on the 2-strokes because there are bogus emission stickers floating around. I know however these were bogus calls from Fresno Sheriff personnel or associates trying to entrap me into something. After the “Fred” incident I started telling callers that requested repairs on 2-stroke Jet Ski’s, that we no longer repair 2-stroke Jet Ski’s.
3/09/2015 4:51 PM – 559-394-3982. Another suspicious 2 stroke Jet ski repair. Told them we no longer work on 2-strokes.
3/09/2015 5:24 PM – From 559-647-5530. Yet another suspicious 2 stroke Jet ski repair. Told them we no longer work on 2-strokes. Guy called, then passed phone to a Lady.
3/09/2015 7:18 PM – 559-385-3969. This guy initially called on 3/6/15 about a repair on a blown cylinder on a 2-stroke Force outboard motor. I was then contacted via text on 3/09/15 by this same person. He wanted to make arrangements to install his new motor he just purchased and without warning he posted an emission sticker and an engine serial number to my phone. I immediately protested and asked why he posted those items to my phone and I told him not to post that kind of stuff to my phone. This guy was referred to me by Tim Tompsett, a City of Fresno Wastewater division supervisor who became a customer of mine approximately a year earlier. By this time I’d had enough of the emission sticker “stuff” and I immediately confronted Tim with this text message:
“Tim, I’m not sure why you guys are targeting me. I apologize for the things I commented on in the Fresno Bee. Back in 2009 when this all started I was having trouble in my marriage. Then I was ticketed while at the Home Depot on West Shaw. I later learned that Fresno Law Enforcement was unethically scanning license plates on private parking lots. The added financial stress related to this incident crippled what was left of my marriage. I was devastated, angry, and upset. I thought the parking lot scanning was unfair and simply designed as a Revenue tool for the city of Fresno. So I voiced my opinion on the Fresno Bee, which I now regret. I thought I was anonymous, but an employee at the Bee was feeding Fresno Sheriff personnel chat log data containing ip address information that they used to track down Fresno Citizens who were posting comments critical of Fresno LE and the City of Fresno. Within weeks I was followed by undercover officers who were routinely right down the street from my house. I then commented on the Bee about being followed as well. Then I was starting to get followed by Fresno PD as well. I later learned that other posters were being harassed by Fresno LE as well for their commenting on the Bee. I deeply regret some of the things I said but I never insulted anyone. Everything I stated was true even though it may have been embarrassing for some. Other commenters were rude and directed personal attacks toward the chief and sheriff. I admonished those posters and defended the chief and sheriff on many occasions. Doesn’t this count for anything? Recently I tried to atone by attempting to volunteer some of my free time by signing up for the Citizens on Patrol program but no one called me back. I have a lot of respect for our Chief and I’ve stated this many times. Fresno LE is harassing me daily and I fear Fresno LE folks are trying to set me up for some crime simply because of my opinions. This situation is not just and the impact is very difficult to deal with.”
All these “Jet Ski folks” were recruited and ready to lie and perjure themselves at the request of the Fresno Sheriff’s Department and the Fresno Police Department. Some are likely criminals who are facing current criminal cases who were willing to trade lies for less Jail time. As was cerntainly the case with George Adams Ramirez who was listed in the Fresno County Megan’s Law website and appeared to be yet unsentanced. And clearly Tim Tompsett had made my acquaintance by no accident. He was part of a larger conspiracy starting over a year earlier involving George and Maxine Rameriz, Fresno PD, Fresno Sheriff’s Department, and one or more City of Fresno employees, and others. The goal? To target one man; John Lang, for his unflattering opinionated views of local government, including Fresno LE activities. The scope, depth, and breadth, of this conspiracy, I believe is unparalleled in recent Fresno history.
3/25/2015 I filled out the “Internal Affairs Bureau Complaint Form” which essentially is a duplicate of what’s described below and sent it via email to Richard Rasmussen of the Office of Independent Review. For a month I hadn’t heard anything back so I followed up with Richard Rasmussen and asked him if there was any progress on my complaint. Two days later I received a phone call from a Sergeant Sean Biggs who in his voice mail stated he was with the Fresno Police Internal Affairs department. He stated he had a few questions for me. I researched Sergeant Biggs on the internet and found he was coming up as a Sergeant in the “regular” police department, not in Internal Affairs. I asked Richard Rasmussen about this situation and he explained to me in an email that “before” Internal Affairs received complaints, a designated field person in the “regular” police department “screens” all complaints, then forwards the complaints onto the Internal Affairs department. I replied back to Richard Rasmussen stating that I thought this was a serious conflict of interest and found it difficult to believe this was the actual process approved by the City Council and the Mayor. I was starting to become very uncomfortable with this “complaint” process, but nonetheless, at Richard Rasmussen urging I proceeded to contact Sergeant Biggs. I communicated via email with Sergeant Biggs and asked Sergeant Biggs about the “screening” as described by Richard Rasmussen. Sergeant Biggs stated that not only was he “screening” my complaint, but he would also be the one who investigates my complaint for Internal Affairs. I was stunned. I now have my doubts as to weather or not my complaint ever reached the official Fresno Police Internal Affairs department.
4/02/2015 – Fresno Sheriff personnel or associate checking my driveway then texting a second party, then leaves in a vehicle. These guys monitor and harass me continuously.
4/15/2015 – Thermal imaging harassment and intimidation by Fresno Sheriff personnel.
As I was watching this suddenly all the videos that would show faces of those involved stopped working. I find this disturbing
Holy shit! This is crazy!! Fuck these guys
Has anyone seen like a coroner’s report? I want to know how many times/the force of the stabbing. To determine whether it was personal, or done by a professional maybe… Also what was used for the fire? Like as far as any accelerant or anything…
Carpet place definitely doesnt exist at any of the adresses provided.
This is known as “gangstalking” and Targeted Individual” I to was getting this treatment and moved to Taiwan. I am an ex Fresno resident. This is a worldwide problem. I remember in 2002-2004 living in Tower district and hearing about a guy “Dave” who died in his house after it burned down. I never mewt the guy but asked serveral tower rats what happened. Everyone was like who cares didn’t you know, he was a child molestor. Hmmm two house fires in fresno,… This guy mention in his blog he was being set up to look like a child molestor,… It’s time we stop turning a blind eye to these cases, anyone with a mouth can lie and say sumones a child molestor top get the public to turn a blind eye, maybe thats what they did to this guy and his neighbors bopught the lie hook line and sinker,…
Disturbing af.
welcome everyone to the New World Order
As a resident in the Tower district where this occured and a Truth speaker, I find this concerning. Strange cooincidences seem to happen in my life. I am not related to the police chief that he mentions, I am a recent resident of Fresno and have been serving the community making healing foods.
Sad that this happened, so many needless deaths in our world.
This is very disturbing and it makes me mad that you as law enforcement are supposed to protect us the citizens and not try to kill us for speaking the truth about how corrupt you are…. This makes me sick I can’t imagine the fear this poor man went through all because he decided to speak about what was going on yall police officers make me sick
Shame he didnt utilize privacy tools eg. TOR and IP proxy posting. This case should be looked at by higher up, more Federal type LEO’s
Wow. And people complain about “redneck” cops in the south. Fresno and L.A. cops are much, much worse.
The man became a target and what could even be considered a victim of “predatory gangstalking.”
I’m moving to Fresno and creating a 10 part documentary on this murder.
please email me at teknaleji@gmail.com for a free copy of my ebook in exhange for 10 post of this link… http://www.amazon.com/The-Killer-Chronicles-Errol-Tucker-ebook/dp/B00UAZ39WQ t’s very informative regarding everything from police harassment,abuse,corruption, school to prison pipeline,prison fro profits the drug war, policing fro profits and so on…. thank you for your time.
we’re onto you fresno pd
make sure to copy these videos before they all disappear
These assassins are sloppy joes.
PLEASE contact your local represntatives and help bring justice to this man who was fighting for the civil liberties and social decency that we all deserve.
The police have abused their power to the point of MURDER. Not murder because the criminal was going to get away with his crimes unpunished, but murder because A CITIZEN LAWFULLY VOICED HIS CONCERN. The police department had this man killed because he excersized his Freedom of Speech. This should figthen each and every one of us. You may think that it isnt your problem, you dont know him and its not going to happen to you. The people of Nazi Germany thought the same thing until the SS knocked on there door.
Just started a Whitehouse.gov petition for this! Sign if your interested in a Federal Investigation: http://wh.gov/ifOHW
Justice Department better take a hard look at this.
If the government won’t hold itself accountable, someone will.
Sounds like the ramblings of a schizophrenic, honestly. He very easily could have put himself over the edge on did this to himself
Would like to add that even the FresnoBee has said that he was stabbed severely times in the back. It’s entirely possible to stab yourself in the back, but it would take quite some work. Not to mention it was the upper back. Extremely challenging. It is possible that he had help, but either way, it’s highly unlikely he killed himself.
It is a sad state of affairs when you have to fear the police more than a common criminal.
Fits the normal description of corrupt public servant in the US: Asian american thugs
Wow…if its all true I cant help to think how bad it was for this guy. Not many people are willing to stand up to a whole police department. I hope everything this man says is real. Some major investigating needs to happen by an external party.
Killing activists is nothing new. Karen Silkwood? John Trudeau’s entire family? The BP whistleblowers that disappeared? And Fresno, my god, certainly is no stranger to corruption. Less than a year ago, the Deputy Chief and 3 other cops were busted by FBI for dealing heroin and other drugs. Apologetic Police Chief on camera claims he had no idea drug dealing was going on right under his nose. He’s seems to be truthful using statement analysis…but I wonder how ‘clueless’ he was about Lang. Lang did, btw, defend the Chief publically, admonished those who talked shit about him. He wrote about it in his March 2015 blog entry. If they killed him, I really hope they get caught. Cops don’t fare well in prison, and they probably deserve that for what they did to this man.
Pressor on Fresno arrests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4vA4IypDZg
President of the United States: Open a Federal Investigation Into the Murder of John Lang – Sign the Petition!
I hope this can stop the corruption, at least in Fresno PD. Some institutions on USA are so scary and dark.
It’s a sadly story,i found it into a blog of a famous latin american videoblogger,so i can watched all history and the final.Sure in own countries we know about the suspects and the members and the power against us.But in US the story should be different and i cannot believe the history where the shows and the spectacle with the assains and the murders are normal there.I wish for you that the thruth may win and it will not be unpunished.Force and support for his family.
This story has been just spreaded by Dross, a well-known south american Youtube Vlogger. That will help this story doesn’t dissapear unnoticed.
The worst part is that it looks like the case is going to be swept under the rug… It would really help if more people signed petitions to initiate a federal investigation. http://wh.gov/iGZ8t